Update: Great North Run and Pen-Y-Ghent

12 Sep

Update: Great North Run and Pen-Y-Ghent

Unfortunately Mark was unable to take part in the Great North Run this year due to unexpected and unpredictable ill-health. Mark took medical advice from his GP who suggested it was not wise to participate given his underlying health issues and chronic fatigue and knee pain suffered recently (this is part of Mark’s health journey following stroke in 2019). Mark has deferred his entry to next year’s Great North Run and pending confirmation that he has a place in this, Mark’s intention is to work towards being able to participate in next year’s event and/or other running events.

Mark said, “Due to ill health I was no longer able to do this event. I am incredibly disappointed. My colleagues at work will be climbing Pen-y-Ghent on 14th September in lieu of my intended activity and I will recover as best I can and look at something for next year. If you have sponsored me please know that I will do something in place of this, when I am back on an even keel as best I can be with underlying health conditions. I am sorry. I hope you understand. I will not be beaten and I will rise again and do something crazy for this wonderful place.”

In lieu of this, Deborah and Becky, our ever-adventurous ever-present members of staff will be taking on the mountainous beast that is Pen-Y-Ghent on Saturday 14th September. Both Deborah and Becky are nervously looking forward to this challenge, especially seeing as the weather forecast is for drizzle and the anticipated walking/climbing/crawling time is circa three and a half hours. We are sure that the view will be worth it and that first pint will go down a treat, once completed.

We ask that donors through Justgiving to Mark’s planned event are understanding of his setback and that any pledges of sponsorship are transferred to Deborah and Becky’s adventure. Mark has committed to taking part in a future fundraising event and details will be shared as soon as he is in a position to confirm his choice of adventure. Mark’s daughter has suggested he jumps off a hill with Sam the Man from the Gym downstairs, obviously attached to a paraglider. Watch this space.

We wish Deborah and Becky all the luck in the world as they aim to scale the 2277 foot high peak. Have the cagouls handy, ladies, and bring us back a story or two and some pictures of the magnificent view atop the clouds! Any new or further donations can be made via our Justgiving page here: Howlands – JustGiving