Fashion Show Update – A Glamorous Success

14 Jun

Fashion Show Update – A Glamorous Success

“Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well.” —Vivienne Westwood

Well, go fashion it certainly was at Howlands last Saturday, 8th June 2024.  The glam rags were out, the lights were dazzling and the models were elegant, flamboyant and suitably gorgeous, darling, at our first faaaabulous Fashion Show of the year.


 An outstanding afternoon, filled with friendship, fun and a few frolics was    delivered expertly by our compere and fashion guru, William Finan.  All our  models were dancing queens on the catwalk, leaving us hungry like the wolf  for more of their modelling magic.

We had an almost full house to witness some of the latest high-street  fashion styles on parade and it created a brilliant atmosphere.  We at  Howlands are incredibly grateful for all your efforts as we raised an  outstanding £440.00 towards our continued good work.

Thank you, all.
IMG_20240608_131604299Our very own, Rachel was star of the show again, demonstrating poise and panache as she owned the place.  You are a true professional, Rachel.  Well done.

Sharing her experience, Rachel said, “The show was brilliant! Walking down the catwalk in all these lovely clothes was a truly delightful experience.”

Watching on was a model in training, Emaline, 9, who said “It was just wonderful.  I’ve got some ideas now that my Dad’s going to get for me.  I loved the blue pleated trousers and the shimmering cardigan.”

From all of us at Howlands, thank you!IMG_20240608_131525779
