Auction News – don’t miss your opportunity
During the big clearout of the building a number of items were sent to be auctioned.
If you would like to bid for our stacker chairs and tables these will be going through auction on the 19th April.
The remainder of the large variety of smaller items we sent will be booked into sales during May, date to be confirmed.
The last sales did very well for us in raising funds and we hope to achieve similar success during the remaining auctions.
Many thanks to John Mosby and C.W. Harrison and Son who have been so helpful to us, and please don’t forget to view the auction here at C.W. Harrison and Son

Yorkshire Building Society Helps Out at Howlands

Howlands has left the Building
Howlands has left the building for planned refurbishment work to begin.

Important Information – we’re moving!
Howlands will be moving temporarily while the complete refurbishment of the building takes place.
The Friends of Staincliffe Park have been very generous in offering us the use of their premises, Staincliffe Park Pavilion, for approximately 12 weeks.
Howlands will close its doors on School Street on Friday the 24th March at 4pm and re-open activities at our new base on Monday the 3rd of April at 9.30am. For anyone wishing to call please note we now have a new temporary telephone number 07592 409507.
The address at Staincliffe Park Pavilion is Dewsbury Gate Road, Staincliffe, Batley WF13 4AX.
Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Fundraising Evening for Howlands
A recent evening out for the members and volunteers of Howlands raised £244.25.
Held at at Zucchini’s Restaurant, Batley it was nice to see so much support, not to mention eat some very nice food.
Many thanks to Christine Sykes for organising the event and to everyone who supported it.
A special thank you to the staff at Zucchini’s who looked after us so well.

The Pancake Dog Features in Howlands Refurbishment

Thank you to English Framing Co.

Unique Crocheted Animals For Sale
Unique Crocheted Animals For Sale. Chirpy Chicken, Gorgeous Giraffe or a Handsome Hippo – which one would you have?