Howlands Refurbishment update.

Refurbishment latest
Take a look at the picture on the right, this magnificent fireplace was hidden behind wooden paneling and has now been stripped back to its original stone finish and former glory.

Howlands refurbishment pictures

Taking a closer look at the Pancake Dog
Look at Thomas Ellis taking a close look at the Pancake Dog with Andy Matley, site manager for HB Projects.

Auction Update
During the big clearout of the building a number of items were sent to CW Harrison & Son auctions in Ossett.
We’re pleased to say we were successful in securing sales on some of our tables and chairs but for those who missed out the remainder of our items will be going through the auction at CW Harrisons on Monday 22nd May.
All money raised through the auction will contribute to the Howlands fundraising efforts.
We’d like to thank John Mosby and C.W. Harrison and Son who have been extremely helpful.
Please don’t forget to view the auction here at C.W. Harrison and Son

Did you see Howlands Refurbishment news in the Dewsbury Press?
With thanks to the Dewsbury Press the Howlands refurbishment made the headlines as the paper reported on our £500,000 upgrade of our building on School Street in the centre of Dewsbury.
Read more about how we secured funding with the help of Good Fundraising and read what our Chairman Tom Ellis has to say here.
The grant will be spent on a major overhaul of the School Street Building that is expected to be complete early 2017. The building works are intended to fully modernise the Victorian building to a state that will be able to accommodate community groups and a variety of uses for all the community to benefit from.
“We feel that our refurbishment is a very positive statement in the regeneration of Dewsbury and we look forward to being at the hub of the resurgence of local community involvement.”

Howlands Refurbishment Develops
The Howlands refurbishment moves on and a momentous moment – the “Pancake Dog” has been lifted from its “perch” onto the scaffolding, ready to be cleaned up.
No one has been this close to it since it was put in position in Victorian times.Very much looking forward to the Pancake Dog taking pride of place on the fully refurbished building.